Wednesday, July 17, 2013

More Happenings.

Wow! What a day. I don't even know where to start. Last night after putting the EKG machine together, Savannah gave a presentation on what an EKG is, how you apply the pads and how you operate the machine. I couldn't believe it! These nurses are finishing nursing school, and yet they don't know what an EKG is! This donation is truly going to change the way things operate here. It's marvelous, the timing of God.

I have so much I want to tell you about!

After the presentation, everyone went around to do rounds. Some of you have been following Charles (the man with the leg). Charles has an incredible faith. In fact, when he came here he didn't have insurance. His family all lives several hours away, so there was no one to take care of him. He started to waste away. Just lost all of his fat and the muscle was disintegrating. And still, every day he says that God is his comfort. Well, when Charles became ill, Dr. Alex knew he would be in the hospital for a while. So, he suggested that Charles transfer to another hospital closer to family so they could take care of him. Because our hospital does not supply any food or clothing. Simply whatever is brought to the patient. Charles wouldn't go, because he had been told by some people to go and see a Fettish Priest. He had told them that he would rather die, than put his faith in someone other than God. So, he came to Hope Christian Hospital. That is why he won't transfer. He wants to be here at our hospital surrounded by Christians and fellow encouragers. Today he told Dustin he believes the reason he came to HCH was to meet Dustin and to see his example of faith. Even so, Charles is the one who is showing us what deep rooted faith is like. Today, the doctor said that Charles could go home Friday if he was feeling strong enough. He also said that his bill would be in the thousands. (In our money, that's maybe 500-600 American dollars). Really?? He's been there TWO WEEKS. I can't imagine what my bill in America would look like. But we got the total today, after praying hard that it would be feasible. It was only 624 Ghana Cedi! That's about 312 American dollars!!! Man, God is sooooo good. And, with the help of friends and family, the bill has been paid in full. Charles' miraculous faith has truly inspired many. Please continue to pray for him.

After we saw Charles, Courtney Garland and her new group of girls came to the clinic for check ups and screening. Courtney is a friend of our from Memphis who recently started a girls' home nearby for girls living in Ghana that need a place to call home. She currently has 11 girls. They arrived only Saturday, so they are still getting used to each other! For more information, check this out-

As we were getting started check the girls in, a woman's head popped sideways into my doorway and all I could see was crazy hair. I was so confused! But it was a woman who was stopped over and her knees were bent because she was in labor!! She couldn't walk, so she was bent over trying to get my attention. I quickly whisked her to the labor ward. I couldn't even get a glove on to check her before I could see a head coming out. About that time, the midwife (Ma Josephine) ran in and delivered the baby in a hospital bed. The baby came out but didn't exactly look healthy. (Fellow medicals, her Apgar score was 3). She was blue, and didn't take big, healthy breaths at all. As the day progressed her lungs continued to sound wet, like she had a chest cold. So, Savannah had to give this 1 day old baby an IV and start antibiotic therapy. Pray for her lungs to mature. That she will live and breathe for the great Jehovah, and that the work of His hand will bear abundant fruit by His strength in her. She is called Ekua.

After the drama of that finished we continued seeing the girls for their physicals. At several point during the day I found myself in an exam room, with my patient who spoke a northern language, another girl from the house who spoke the northern language, and Twi, and the housemother who spoke Twi and English. IT was crazy. Tower of Babel all over again.

By the end of the day we were worn out. Exhausted. And yet through it all, I had to count my blessings. It is such a great reward to serve those who need it most. There is honestly nothing like it. You understand more about how God wants to give to us. I can just feel the heart of God when I see a need and I'm able to help meet it. It's truly beautiful. I want to press in and know more about the part of God that longs to give us the desires of our hearts. I want to know what it looks like, how it feels. And I want more opportunities to serve those who need it. 

As I lay here in bed, listening to distant singing of little African voices sing, pray that each of you reading this will find some way today to serve another. That you would see that you dont have to come to Africa to help someone. Or to meet a need. And I pray when you do serve that someone, that you feel God's joy. Because it's truly indescribable. It makes the discontented content. 

"My life is an example to others because you have been my strength and protection" -Psalm 71:7 

Things to pray for:
-After praying that the hospital would have an EKG machine, within two day they did! whoa. God can do anything! Now, they are in need of a portable x-ray machine. Please pray for God to deliver in a big way through specific needs. He wants to provide for us.

-Charles :) That he has the strength the had and more, before he came here. So he is able to go and encourage others.

- Baby Ekua. For lung maturity and strength

-The Pearl House,

- Ears to hear and eyes to see. 

-For the hospital staff here. Specifically the doctor, Dr. Alex Pessah and his midwife-nurse Josephine. That they may experience rest beyond their imagination. That they can feel restored, and their faith renewed every morning.

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